Skills Training Class JOIN US! This class is now ONLINE. We meet every Thursday night at 6pmCT/7pmET! Please call Maggie (252-288-2724) to reserve your spot today and we’ll see you SOON! Have a life worth living!! Using Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT), I teach skills in four main areas: Mindfulness (being present in the moment), Emotional Regulation (learning to manage your emotions), Interpersonal Effectiveness (learning to ask for what you want or put your foot down to something and still make sure that your relationship is okay), and Distress Tolerance (managing stress/anxiety). This class is not a group therapy session, it is C L A S S. This means that it is highly structured and focused on psychoeducation. There is a short mindfulness exercise at the beginning, then I review the homework from the last class, teach the new material, and assign new homework to do for the week prior to the next class meeting. A lot of the homework is experiential in nature but there are some worksheets to complete. All of these handouts and worksheets can be found in the DBT® Skills Training Handouts and Worksheets, Second Edition (pictured below) which can be found online through Amazon or other booksellers. JOIN US! Enjoy the ability to be thoughtfully responsive rather than emotionally reactive, to stay present for and enjoy the precious moments in your life, and to get the most out of your relationships and each day of your life!